Lady Gaby (RO/DE)

From a tea lady into a sexfly


An interactive spoken word performance that will start with a ‘private and intimate performance’ in the public toilet inside Kunstraum Kreuzberg /Bethanien House and travel into the Main Hall. Through spoken word, electro beats and interactive actions, Lady Gaby will claim and change her role from a tea lady , into a powerful ‘SEXFLY’, using technological means that has liberated women such as vacuum cleaner, typewriters, dildoes, tape recorders, slide projectors, and CD players.

Review written by artist Janine Eisenächer:

“Very much in the face, Lady Gaby explicitly attacked male power structures and domination in the society, and verbally as well as physically demanded the women’s (self-) empowerment in/through their work and sex life. Claiming that self chosen and self determined sex work/prostitution and pornography by women are not only okay but mainly political and lived out practices of sexual freedom and economic independence. Born and raised in Romania, and having lived in Australia for a long while – a country where sex and sexuality seem to be hardly discussed, and where women still have very few possibilities to get into the same economic positions or status like men -, she gave us another view on Europe as well as on a female identity (identities). In her performance Lady Gaby was making her way through the audience on her knees, and through the development of female identity and the images of women – from Eve in paradise to the cleaning housewife in her lovely dresses, finally liberating herself and turning into a sexually and economically emancipated and obsessed woman who has a voice that is heard, and a present body that wants and takes”.

For further information see the following links: